For full details on how to vote AGAINST 434 and FOR 439 can be found here
- Keeps Nebraska’s current abortion ban in place, giving government the power to make personal medical decisions
- Cements the abortion ban that forces women to carry to term pregnancies that have no chance of survival
- Gives politicians the power to ban IVF and miscarriage care
- Ends the current abortion ban, putting women and their families back in charge of personal decisions
- Ends the abortion ban and restores doctors’ abilities to provide care during pregnancy emergencies
- Ends the abortion ban that forces women to carry to term pregnancies that have no chance of survival
How do these initiatives impact parental rights?
Initiative 434
Initiative 434 weakens parental rights by putting the government in charge of decisions around pregnancy instead of Nebraska families.
Initiative 439
Initiative 439 puts families in charge of these decisions and does nothing to change existing parental rights/notification laws that already require parents (with proper identification) to provide consent should their child be in a difficult situation and need abortion care.
How do these initiatives impact taxes? Initiative Initiative 439 Does NOT force taxpayers to pay for abortion
Initiative 434
Initiative 434 forces taxpayer-funded hospitals to deny women health care even when their health is at serious risk.
Initiative 439
Initiative 439 does not cost taxpayers anything. It simply ensures Nebraskans have options should they be in a difficult situation.
How do these initiatives impact health and safety standards?
Initiative 434
Initiative 434 makes it illegal to provide standard abortion care to women facing serious health complications such as sepsis or organ failure.
Initiative 439
Initiative 439 ensures Nebraskans have options when it comes to health care while maintaining health and safety standards.
Who can perform abortions under these initiatives?
Initiative 434
Initiative 434 prevents doctors from providing necessary abortion care to patients. The ban it makes permanent has already caused confusion for medical providers and put women's lives in danger.
Initiative 439
Only licensed medical personnel may assist with abortion care under Initiative 439.
Who has the power to make an abortion decision?
Initiative 434
Initiative 434 makes Nebraska’s abortion ban permanent, giving government the power to make medical decisions for Nebraskans regardless of a physician's recommendations.
Initiative 439
Initiative 439 ensures Nebraskans, together with their doctors, can make decisions that are best for them. 439 maintains current state law which prohibits coercing someone into having an abortion.
What will be the ballot initiative language on my ballot
Initiative Measure 434 Language - Vote Against ❌
A vote FOR" will amend the Nebraska Constitution to provide that, except when a woman seeks an abortion necessitated by a medical emergency or when the pregnancy results from sexual assault or incest, unborn children shall be protected from abortion in the second and third trimesters.
A vote “AGAINST” means the Nebraska Constitution will not be amended in this manner.
Initiative Measure 439 Language - Vote FOR ✅
A vote "FOR" will amend the Nebraska Constitution to provide that all persons shall have a fundamental right to abortion until fetal viability, or when needed to protect the life or health of the pregnant patient, without interference from the state or its political subdivisions. Fetal viability is defined as the point in pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the patient's treating health care practitioner, there is a significant likelihood of the fetus' sustained survival outside the uterus without the application of extraordinary medical measures.
A vote “AGAINST” means the Nebraska Constitution will not be amended in this manner.